Trade In Value | When You Should Trade In A Vehicle Or Sell It Privately
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You can get your car value entirely online, but does one tool provide a more accurate value over the others?
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It’s important to understand that tax savings can save you more money than you get from a private sale. The higher the MSRP of the new car as well as the value of your trade, the bigger the payoff the tax savings will be.
Is the Extra Effort Worth It?
Do You Know If You Should Sell Privately Or To A Dealership?
When done correctly, trading into a dealership and taking advantage of tax savings can help take thousands of dollars off the total purchase or finance amount. On a preowned purchase, it can also saving you thousands of dollars on interest alone. When selling privately you need to make sure you have a “Used Vehicle Information Package’ prepared so you can transfer the vehicle to the new owner. There is always liability when selling your vehicle privately to a third party opposed to the dealership.
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Know how much your car is worth? Check your trade in value: